Woman named Carol came up to me and out-of-the-blue asked for prayer. I was at Leo’s Restaurant in Fenton, waiting for an appointment. A lady named Carol came up to me and asked if I was an attorney. I said,…
Read MoreIt was a hot summer day in August 2021, and I was at a gas station. I was sitting in a car and a young woman approach me. She had two large dogs on a leach. She needed water for…
Read MoreOn Sunday August 8th, 2021, we were at Speedway Gas Station on Dort Highway. After watching a homeless man and his dog, asking for change from individuals that were going into the gas station store, the Holy Spirit directed me…
Read MoreSpeedway is a great gas station! On July 20th, 2021, we were at Speedway gas station on Dort Highway in Flint, and while we were pumping gas a homeless woman came over and asked if we could help with a…
Read MoreOn June 17th, 2021, while at breakfast with David Allen Codie at Leo’s Coney Island in Fenton, Michigan, a waitress took us to our table. I told her she had a great smile under her mask. She was giggling and…
Read MoreOn July 24, I went to lunch with a sister-in-Christ at Paul’s Coney Island, Burton, Michigan. At approximately 1:28 pm, as I was entering the restaurant, a man named John looked at me, and I asked him, “Can I help…
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